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Lindsay says:

My whole life I was raised Catholic, even went to Catholic school for a few years. I never questioned anything until it came time to make my confirmation. My dad is Methodist and we always went to both churches, but in my mind there was never a doubt that I was Catholic until that confirmation time. They told us not to do it if we weren't sure, and I wasn't sure. I knew I believed in God, but I wasn't sure that I liked the way the Catholic Church worships and celebrates him. I seriously considered converting, but decided against it because I fear change, and I had always been a Catholic. Then I got involved in music ministry and honestly it is the only thing that keeps me in the church. I don't particularly agree with all the views of the Catholic Church, but I enjoy going and hearing God's word and celebrating his life and his love for us. I just have a problem with all the man made rules that seem to have almost no rhyme or reason behind them, and I think that a lot of people are turned off by them. And the history of the Catholic Church isn't exactly so fantastic with all it's corruption. But I do think they've come a long way, and I like some of the things the new pope has said. I struggle in my relationship with God everyday, but I'm happy knowing that I have one and that he is always here with me. I've heard of and been witness to too many miracles to doubt his existence. The way I see it, the most important thing is being the best person you can be and letting him shine through you. If people choose to believe, that's wonderful, but it's not something I want to shove down their throats.



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