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Mikko says:

I am what most people refer to as Mormon, a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Not only that, I am also what most people refer to as 'gay'.

  Life has been an interesting whirlwind of beliefs and being told what to believe in from all sides of the spectrum -- my friends told me that I am foolish to stick around a church they thought was "homophobic". My Church told me to stick around because this is what would make me happy.

  I served a mission, like most Mormon boys do at age 19, and on that mission, I would say I found myself more than at any other point in my brief existence on this earth -- I found a love for God.

  Now, wait a minute ...gay...and Mormon...and still believing? I know many an ex-Mormon who are part of the LGBT community. I also now know of many in the LGBT community who choose to stay active in the Church and there are also others who convert to the teachings of the Church. Why? Because I believe its teachings bring true and a more lasting peace and happiness.

  I am content where I am and I can say I am genuinely happy, although many naysayers like to disagree -- that my happiness is an illusion. But if that is the case, then I'd say everyone's happiness is but a fleeting illusion. But I don't believe that. I have been the happiest I have been my two decades living.

  I believe that we have a God who is our Father in Heaven. I believe that He sent His son Jesus Christ to Atone for the sins of mankind so that we may return to God's presence and enjoy eternal peace and happiness. I believe that we were sent here on this earth, to learn, to grow, to understand -- to know what it is like to be human. To make mistakes and to better ourselves -- to become more like God, in essence. I believe that God has sent Prophets to the earth once more...and their teachings are the words of God Himself.

  That is what I believe and so far, it has bring me an unimaginable amount of joy and happiness.



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