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Firebirdie713 says:

Hello everybody! I was raised in an initially active Catholic family. Church every Sunday, daily family prayers, grace before every meal, the whole shebang. We would laugh at the "Chr-Easters", those who only went to church on Christmas and Easter. This lasted until I was in middle school. Suddenly, despite me being put into Catholic school at this time (was homeschooled before), we started going to church a lot less due to my mother wanting 'family time'. Eventually, we stopped going altogether, and all of the other religious activities went by the wayside. When I was in college, I knew I wasn't a Catholic at heart, but didn't know what belief I wanted to adopt, if any. So I labelled myself agnostic and forgot about it for a few years. Over the past year, I found myself being more drawn to both science and nature, and was fascinated with how much we still had to learn about our world. The more I studied, the more I came to feel that we are all a part of something more, something bigger than ourselves. Around that time, I got my introduction to Wicca. Since then, I have spent quite a lot of time researching the different beliefs of the Wiccan religion, their basis in the observable world, and its applications in everyday life. I now consider myself a Wiccan, though I am still within my year-and-a-day leading up to my dedication. So far, it has felt like coming home to something I never really knew I missed, and finally understanding this essential part of who I am.



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