farscapeman says: Right. Well it's been a while since I've thought back on this and I suppose this is a s good a time as any. I was brought up to be an Irish Catholic originally. I never really felt a connection to it all though. I always felt distant to it.
So I ended up just drifting for a few years. I was an atheist for a while. It didn't cut it though, I knew it didn't because I always felt a connection to something even if I never found it in a church. I also only really felt what people called 'blessed' when I was enjoying lying under a tree or I found some really nice looking rock or the sun was shining on me. It was just a rock and that was just a tree but it felt like more to me ever since I was a kid.
This was what probably ended up lending be to Shinto. I found peace of mind in it. It fit what I felt and when I prayed I could actually feel that warmth people described to me.
I've been learning about the Kami ever since I suppose. That's ongoing, and doesn't seem like its going to end anytime soon.
I'm happy now. I think that's probably the salvation I dreamed of all along. I thank the kami for that everyday.